K (also called k project) is a 2012 anime series created by the animation studio gohands and gora, a group consisting of seven anonymous authors known as kōhei azano, tatsuki miyazawa, yukako kabei, yashichiro takahashi, hideyuki furuhashi, suzu suzuki, and rei rairaku.
Get Shiro Project K Anime PNG. Setelah istirahat makan siang, shiro pergi untuk suatu. Seluruh kampus dibangun di sebuah pulau.
Why shiro always gotta be fallin' out of the sky? See more ideas about k project anime, k project, anime. Gallery.minitokyo.net/view/618… rendering an image means getting rid of the background.
Yashiro isana, alias shiro, sedang makan siang dengan kucing di salah satu atap sekolah.
Y entonces, apareciendo frente a shiro, está un chico de largo cabello vistiendo completamente de negro, yatogami kuroh. Why shiro always gotta be fallin' out of the sky? The first 5 films will adapt various light novels and manga with the 6th film being an original story. Ashinaka sma dikenal untuk pengaturan yang unik: